Cobra Electronics - HH 33

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COBRA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 6500 W Cortland Street Chicago Illinois 60707 Printed in Thai I and Cobra Electronics Corp 1997 R t no 480 200 P 001 Operating instructions for ycxr Ingenious Products for Easier Communication How to use your QfrCobra CITIZENS BAND 2 WAY HANDHELD RADIO HH MODEL CONTENTS Introduction 3 Featires 3 Technical Support and service 3 Controls and Indicators 4 5 TheCB Story 6 FCC Warnings 6 Included with you HH33 7 Getting Sarted 8 Antenna 8 Battery Chamber 8 Operation 9 Turning your Hand Held CB on 9 Setting the Squelch 9 Selecting a channel 10 LED Display 10 Transmit Receive 10 In Vehicle Use 11 How your CB can serve you 12 Never Used ...